Beach Inspired Color Year-Round by Kim Jermain

Summer is here, and as weather tested New Englanders, we're ready to relax and enjoy our Atlantic coastline. While cleaning up after the winter's wrath, readying boats for the harbor and opening up our homes to the sun and sand, it is only natural that we want to freshen-up our interiors with paint, easy going fabrics and floor covering inspired by the ocean. Here's where color can match our mood, or fall short of our expectations. With a little bit of planning and know how, you can use the last gasp of spring cleaning energy to bring your love of sea and surf to your homes design without having it fall flat as the seasons change, landscapes gray and outdoor temperatures drop. Here are a few concepts to help you strategize your color plan.


Cool Color Calm

Ocean water colors are cooling in the summer heat, making them perfect choices for a summer house or bedrooms all year long. White, blue or gray walls visually drop back, making a room feel large, light and airy. Sun drenched spaces can get hot in the summer and winter too, benefiting from the shaded hues that make water such an appealing summertime landscape. Try light, grayed versions of your favorite ocean colors for walls, contrasted with crisp white trim, to heighten the effect.


Where Gray Belongs

When you know that you will want a room to be cozy and warm during the heating season, but still want to enjoy a fresh seaside feel, put your ocean hue in a wooly rug. Surround your peripheral vision with warm cream walls inspired by the light reflective color of sand, and you will be reminded of summer when it is a faint memory. J42603 Perfect Paring

Of course bathrooms lend themselves to all colors inspired by the world oceans. Your home's water closet can look fresh and clean in summer white and salty blue. If it is natural light that your bathroom lacks, using tropical teal will remind you of warm waters and give the room the sunny glow craved in winter.

The Dirt

You know your families habits; and not all of us can keep a white tile floor in a bathroom looking it's best or a dark slate mudroom from showing light sand. Dirt comes in a range of browns, both dark and light, so choosing a mottled or textured flooring is best for easy maintenance. Want to improve a poor choice of flooring that doesn't quite work for your lifestyle? Try a natural sisal rug. These natural materials have a forgiving texture or can be cleanable, just select for your use. Their seaside style is also color-wise, hiding summer sand. For those areas that you want to enjoy during the cold winter months, remind yourself of your summer at the beach with a wool sisal underfoot.

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Kimberly Collins Jermain has been helping clients color and shape their architecture since 1989. With a landscape painter's skill in selecting value and hue, each project is a collaboration that results in a design strategy for the complete finish.

Award winning projects have established brand recognition, created positive work and sales environments for business, and provided comfort, style and marketability for many residences along the East Coast.

She can be reached here.

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